If you are experiencing difficulties placing an order, head over to our team on Live Chat and they can help you troubleshoot! If you are receiving any sort of error message, please take note of what the error message says for our reference.
Alternatively, we can also accept the order over the phone. Simply call us on (03) 9344 1671 (please leave a voicemail if you're not able to get through right away) with your details and we can arrange the rest for you. We may even be able to work through the issue with you over the phone!
Certain browsers can sometimes cause issues placing orders. Try clearing your browser cache as this tends to fix the problem at hand. To do this, you can find instructions here:
Internet Explorer
Google Chrome
For any tricky errors, you can also visit This Machine to let us know what browser version and device you're using so that we can look into things further with the help of our I.T team!
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